How To Document Guide#


You need to install dev tools first by running

pipenv install --dev

Documentation Style Guide#

We mostly follow numpydoc (which is extended from PEP257) style guide. Please RTFM.


We use sphinx.ext.napoleon (which uses sphinx.ext.autodoc) extension to generate document from docstring. All modules, classes, functions and scripts must be documented. The following rules should be applied to document folder.

  • Put lmp documents under doc/source/lmp.

  • Put test documents under doc/source/test.

Build Document#

To build document, we use sphinx to generate document in HTML format. Run the following script:

pipenv run doc

Generate Document Coverage Report#

Run the following command in project root directory:

pipenv run doc-coverage


We list some of the todos in the follow:

  • Add pandas typeshed (mainly used by lmp.dset.ChPoemDset) if it is stable.

  • Remove # type: ignore on **kwargs if mypy can handle those checking (which may no happen forever).