Inference methods#


An inference method can let a language model generate continual text of given text. One must provide a language model, its paired tokenizer and a text to an inference method. The generated results will returned as text.

See also


All available language models.


Continual text generation script.


All available tokenizers.

Import inference method module#

All inference method classes are collectively gathered under the module lmp.infer. One can import inference method module as usual Python module:

import lmp.infer

Create inference method instances#

After importing lmp.infer, one can create inference method instance through the class attributes of lmp.infer. For example, one can create top-1 inference method Top1Infer and top-K inference method TopKInfer as follow:

import lmp.infer

# Create top-1 inference method instance.
top_1_infer = lmp.infer.Top1Infer()

# Create top-K inference method instance.
top_k_infer = lmp.infer.TopKInfer()

The max_seq_len parameters is provided to avoid non-stopping generation. The maximum value of max_seq_len is 1024.

import lmp.infer

# Create top-1 inference method instance.
top_1_infer = lmp.infer.Top1Infer(max_seq_len=128)

# Create top-K inference method instance.
top_k_infer = lmp.infer.TopKInfer(max_seq_len=128)

Different inference methods have different hyperparameters. For example, top-K inference method has a parameter k which represent the first k possible tokens to sample.

import lmp.infer

# Create top-K inference method instance.
top_k_infer = lmp.infer.TopKInfer(k=5)

Generate continual text#

To generate continual text on a given text, one must provide a language model, its paired tokenizer and a text to an inference method. Meaningful generation result can only be achieve through pre-trained language models. The following example demonstrate the usage of generation without pre-training a language model.

import lmp.infer
import lmp.model
import lmp.tknzr

inference = lmp.infer.Top1Infer()
tokenizer = lmp.tknzr.CharTknzr()
model = lmp.model.ElmanNet(tknzr=tokenizer)

# Generate continual text.
generated_txt = inference.gen(model=model, tknzr=tokenizer, txt='abc')

All available inference methods#