
Use this script to sample data points of a dataset.

We can use the following script to sample text from WikiText2Dset.

python -m lmp.script.sample_dset wiki-text-2

The default sampling index is 0 and the default version of WikiText2Dset is train. Thus the following script has the same sampling result as above.

python -m lmp.script.sample_dset wiki-text-2 --idx 0 --ver train

The following script sample text from WikiText2Dset with index set to 1 and version set to test.

python -m lmp.script.sample_dset wiki-text-2 --idx 1 --ver test

You can use -h or --help options to get a list of available datasets.

python -m lmp.script.sample_dset -h

You can use -h or --help options on a specific dataset to get a list of supported CLI arguments, including all available versions of a dataset.

python -m lmp.script.sample_dset wiki-text-2 -h

See also


All available datasets.

lmp.script.sample_dset.main(argv: List[str]) None[source]

Script entry point.


argv (list[str]) – List of CLI arguments.

Return type


lmp.script.sample_dset.parse_args(argv: List[str]) Namespace[source]

Parse CLI arguments.


argv (list[str]) – List of CLI arguments.

See also


Python CLI arguments interface.


Parsed CLI arguments.

Return type
